Another room we staged to represent this cultural style is the dining room. The dining room uses many of the same themes as the living room including neutral colors and clean lines. The same color rug rests in the dining room as well as brown furniture, white and brown wall art and warm lighting with brass colors. The dining table made from natural wood offers clean, straight lines throughout, while different decorative accents using green colors sit sparingly around the room. These additions of warm accents help the room feel welcoming and comfortable. Warm, inviting accents in a neutral and subdued room highlights the staple of classic Nordic style.
Everything in this home we staged flows perfectly and fits together in one cohesive plan. Another example lays in the master bedroom, a simplistic and minimalistic room. More neutral colors sit in this room with a tan carpet, white bedding and a single abstract painting on the wall featuring white, tan and gray shading. Another Nordic-style design choice made in this room is the white and black throw pillows. The pop of dark color in an otherwise neutral room draws contrast. This helps to highlight the other accents throughout the room.
At Design2Sell, we love incorporating the latest in design trends. When staging this home, we knew the trendy Nordic style was the perfect match to show of the luxurious property. To find out how to get started on staging your home with our Design2Sell team or to see more of our projects, head to www.homedesign2sell.com.